Association of
Friends of Reigny Abbey
Season 2024
Christmas concerts: Beauty and the Beast
Friday, December 13, 4pm Christmas concert: La bête et la belle, a musical tale composed by Romain Dumas: educational session. Saturday, December 14, 4pm Christmas concert: La bête et la belle (The Beast and the Beauty), feedback concert following 3 days of work by artists in residence at Reigny Abbey, followed by a Christmas snack.
Weekend workshops at Reigny Abbey
Louis-Marie and Béatrice Mauvais and their children, and the Association des Amis de L’abbaye de Reigny, invite you to a weekend of workcamps where we’ll be needing manpower…
Construction site weekends
Weekend workcamps at Reigny Abbey, good humor at work.
Jazz concert under the lime trees
Concert de Jazz sous les tilleursReigny Abbey (Yonne) 17th edition Sunday, July 27 at 5:00 p.m.Performed by the Swing Kings trio: Jean-Pierre Bertrand (piano) Didier Desbois (vocals and alto sax) Nicolas Peslier (guitar)Jean-Pierre Bertrand (piano)Didier Desbois...
A lunch in white on the banks of the Cure
A lunch in white on the banks of the CureReigny Abbey (Yonne)Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. This 2nd "déjeuner en blanc" has been organized to raise the profile of the project to restore the abbey's mill to its former glory as an energy producer, and to open it...
Country heritage and mill days
Join us from June 21 to 23, 2024, to discover and celebrate the heritage of countries all over France, around the theme: water for everyone.
Association of Friends of Reigny Abbey
Founded in July 2005, and recognized as an association of general interest in October of the same year, the Association of Friends of Reigny Abbey (AAR)with over 300 members, brings together all those who wish to contribute to the preservation and renown of Notre Dame de Reigny, a masterpiece of Cistercian architecture.

The “Amis de l’Abbaye de Reigny” association, an organization totally independent of the owners of the Reigny estate, is all the more effective as donations and memberships multiply. These will be all the more numerous as the association will be active and prove its professionalism in the cultural activities it develops and in its participation in the restoration and preservation of the architectural and environmental heritage that the abbey estate represents.
The associative project that she has implemented was born from the desire to safeguard, restore/rehabilitate and enhance the Cistercian abbey of Reigny by making it a multicultural space and a place for artists from the French-speaking world to meet with the local public and tourists.
The aim is to promote the architectural, archaeological, rural, industrial and environmental heritage of the Abbey of Reigny and to facilitate access to culture.
It is designed to benefit from the contribution of various institutional partners (State, Regional Council, General Council, Community of Municipalities between Cure and Yonne, Commune of Vermenton…).
- Multi-actor, it associates partnerships with local authorities, civil society and companies.
- Multi-sector (heritage, architecture, reading, performing arts, visual arts, scientific culture…).
- Creating links between the fields of culture, education and training to rural economic development through tourism.
- Promoter of the quality of culture in all its diversity.
It allows:
- A work on the valorization and development of the local potential.
- Promotion of values related to cultural diversity.
- Actions aimed at a wide range of audiences, especially young people
- The organization of events: volunteer workcamps to restore and enhance the historical and archaeological site of Reigny Abbey, exhibitions, conferences, symposiums, study trips, festivals, concerts and other artistic, cultural, scientific and technical events.
- The publication and distribution of books, films and any other documents and works on existing or future tangible and intangible media.
- The restoration and development of the built heritage and gardens of Reigny Abbey.
- Other actions contributing directly or indirectly to the realization of the social and cultural object of the Association.
These activities are intended to be carried out in partnership with public or private, national or foreign organizations.
Contact us to visit the abbey.

The abbey in pictures
Access road to the Abbey of Reigny
Follow the road to the gate